Jeffrey De-Graft Hinson

Jeffrey De-Graft Hinson

Product Designer, Podcaster, and Content Creator

Product Designer, Podcaster, and Content Creator

Product Designer, Podcaster, and Content Creator

I occassionally share my

Want to collaborate on a project?

Feel free to connect on any of my socials

Feel free to connect on any of my socials

Feel free to connect on any of my socials







Improving the donor experience on GiveWP donation forms

Improving the donor experience on GiveWP donation forms

With the launch of Give 3.0, I decided to take the initiative to redesign our donation forms. My focus was on our two form layouts: Classic and Multi-step.

With the launch of Give 3.0, I decided to take the initiative to redesign our donation forms. My focus was on our two form layouts: Classic and Multi-step.

Redesigning landing page for Bethniel 2.0 launch

Redesigning landing page for Bethniel 2.0 launch

To gear up for Bethniel 2.0, the team aimed to create a fresh landing page that effectively communicates their company’s mission and attracts additional leads for the 2.0 waitlist.

To gear up for Bethniel 2.0, the team aimed to create a fresh landing page that effectively communicates their company’s mission and attracts additional leads for the 2.0 waitlist.

A revamped login and homepage experience

A revamped login and homepage experience

Reimagining the login and homepage experience, perfectly tailored to capture the essence and aesthetic of the brand.

Reimagining the login and homepage experience, perfectly tailored to capture the essence and aesthetic of the brand.

Passion Projects

Passion Projects

I believe through collaboration we can make a big difference in our society. Below are awesome projects I’m building with my friends to help shape the design space in Africa.

I believe through collaboration we can make a big difference in our society. Below are awesome projects I’m building with my friends to help shape the design space in Africa.



We’re a band of creatives jazzing up Africa’s design landscape with our trailblazing products and initiatives.

We’re a band of creatives jazzing up Africa’s design landscape with our trailblazing products and initiatives.



A platform for sharing the most valuable design resources.

My Story

My Story

Step into my world through this video where I unfold my colorful journey from rap music to diving into Electrical Engineering, and finally landing in the exciting world of Product Design.

Step into my world through this video where I unfold my colorful journey from rap music to diving into Electrical Engineering, and finally landing in the exciting world of Product Design.